Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Michael Vane's Analysis

   In this blog I will discuss about the analysis " Note on Love and Marriage: Perspectives from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest " by Michael Vance.
The author of this analysis describes the play as " a cleverly woven satire". Her also defines Oscar Wilde as " a self-described antinomian." In fact Oscar Wilde had his own point of view, he was totally out of the ordinary. In the article, Michael Vane notes that Oscar Wilde was able to criticize some important matters with such irony. He states "Wilde exercised great skill and little restraint in crafting a satire that poked fun at many of society's most sacred and untouchable institutions."   

   Throughout the analysis, Michael Vane's attention revolves about the marriage's subject. He describes how Oscar Wilde represents the matrimony's picture with lots of humor and derision. Basically the author explains that in the play, marriage cannot be associated to romance and happiness. He highlights the character's superficiality and particularly Gwendolen and Cecily. As a matter of fact, the two ladies cannot envisage the idea to be married to someone who is not called by the name Ernest. It is just unthinkable for them. Further Michael Vane outlines their method of choosing their spouses and their precipitancy. Obviously it's surprising to propose to someone that we just met. Finally, the author underlined in his analysis the bunch of humor  and extravagance that Oscar transmitted through" The Importance of Being Ernest".

   In his article Michael Vane develops the most important point of the play, I agree with the author when he is describing the character's behavior. When I read the play I was really amazed by their fanciful attitudes. Oscar Wild used lots of irony in this play and that's definitively made " The Importance of Being Ernest" interesting, comic and exciting. 

Work cited
Vance, Michael. "Notes on Love and Marriage: Perspectives from Oscar Wilde's  The Importance of Being Ernest an Analysis." May 2000[web]July 2012


  1. Your blog is well written, evaluating Oscar Wilde's view on The "Importance of Being Ernest". Your introduction is very strong, including specific quotes leading us into what the peice was about. You may want to elaborate a bit more when you said that Oscar Wilde was totally out of the ordinary. Your second paragraph gets the point across very well, although you may want to add a quote or two. Specifically a quote pertaining to the women about only marrying men named Earnest. Your conclusion raps it up well. It was good to include your opinion, but maybe you want to add a bit more into your understanding of the peice, Overall I can understand the main idea well, understanding the view points clearly.

  2. Stephanie

    Thank you very much for providing such a good advices to my blog, this is very valuable.

    I'm going to add some quotes, I agree with you that will be more explicit if I refer to some passages of the book.

    Further I'm going to develop about the Wilde's extravagance.

    Thanx again


  3. I also listened your advice and I extended my conclusin ! ;-)
